
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

An Appeal to the Nepalese of North Bengal.

It was indeed a terrific fight, and the determination that you as people have shown truly demands our respect.
Now that you have made a historic victory against unprecedented odds, it’s time for you to put into force a few processes:--

1.    Don’t let any Bengali buy land within your territorial jurisdiction.
2.    Don’t let any Bengali sell his or her property to another Bengali without the permission of territorial authority.
3.    All Bengalis working under the state or Central government must be levied an outsider tax for the development of hill people in addition to what is due to the Govt.
4.    All opportunities of job be it govt. or private must be reserved for the Nepalese to the extent of 99%.
5.    Learning Nepali should be made compulsory for all non-Nepali speaking populace in public life as well as in education.
6.    Activities by Bengalis found against the spirit of sovereignty and cultural integrity of the Nepalese people should be firmly dealt with.
7.    Debar Bengalis from involving into any political mass movement within the territorial perimeters of Gorkhaland and crush such attempts with an iron hand.
8.    Restrict Bengali entrepreneurship to a minimal so as to promote Nepali Industrialists, the son of the soil.
9.    Initiate a process so as to dissolve advisory boards that have Bengalis in majority and in the process restrict Bengalis from holding key administrative posts.

1 comment:

  1. Teach the Bengalis or as you say Bangoos a good lesson that they might learn what is to be a slave in mind and spirit...!!!
