This is what we call political suicide...! At a time when we, the Bengalis, are trying our best to alleviate our socio-economic and cultural position and trying to rope in like-minded Bengalis to be a part of a movement to further the cause of our self determination and the right to protect our language and our traditional progressive humane identity, such myopic acts by a section of our own community put us on back foot or from where we had begun. they do not see the danger lurking in the guise of nationalism that tends to betray the very concept on which it was built with many parts of India rising to assert their political identity. There was a time when people from Bengal settled and travelled across the length and breadth of India and spread the message of freedom and education and the value of modern thinking, they also spread the light of this beautiful language Bengali. However in recent times if we really spare a moment and cast a cursory look over the scenario, we will certainly find that Bengali is no longer a part of education anywhere in the rest of India All the Schools in Bihar and Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh, where once Bengali was taught as a subject have been deliberately done away with or on the brink of closure due to lack of funds (?). It's a darn lie, which even a child can understand.
It's high time we understood that if we are to save ourselves we need to protect our language on our land and make all possible efforts to restore it to a height of glory which in turn would ensure for us a place in History and on the demographic Atlas of the earth...
Remember a linguistic denomination is no Community if it has no land under its feet...!!!. A Community commands no respect if it taboos its own language and denigrates its ethos to another..!!